OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Disable DHCP and Install MaraDNS Server for resolving (Kamikaze 7.06)

The content of this topic has been archived on 4 May 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

>>>  Remove default DNS Server (dnsmasq) and DHCP Server. Install MARADNS as recursive DNS Server
    1- ipkg update
    2- ipkg install maradns
    3- /etc/init.d/dnsmasq stop
    4- ipkg remove dnsmasq
    5- vim /etc/mararc
            root_servers["."]=" uuu.uuu.uuu.uuu"
    6- /etc/init.d/maradns enable
    7- reboot

- "bind_address" cans be your Router Gateway or something else not used (ex:
- "recursive_acl" means that all your computers on your LAN can use your DNS
- "root_servers" is the section to put all your "Cache-Only" DNS Servers. This can be another router DNS or ISP DNS. There are no real limit I think but 3 DNS should be "OK"
- When you install MaraDNS, it will not start at BOOT. You need to enable it in RC's Scripts with this command: /etc/init.d/maradns enable
- Look here for some DNS Cache-Only Servers:,15280669
- When you remove dsnmasq, you remove two things at once: DHCP and DNS Server. You will probably want to keep a DNS Server running to visit Internet websites so installing MaraDNS will solve this problem

(Last edited by Ocean on 28 Jul 2007, 05:07)

You might add an explanation of why someone would want to do this.

eil wrote:

You might add an explanation of why someone would want to do this.

I think the answer is in this final note in the post:

Ocean wrote:

When you remove dsnmasq, you remove two things at once: DHCP and DNS Server.

In other words, do this when you want to turn off DHCP, but still have a DNS server.  Looking at the MaraDNS site, it looks like a very nice little server. Personally, I'd just disable DHCP by reconfiguring dnsmasq... but now that I look, I don't see an obvious "best way" to do that. Set "limit" to zero?

Anyway, that's a bit beside the point. If you want no DHCP and an alternative DNS server, MaraDNS is a good bet, and now we know how to install and configure it.

(Last edited by whbjr on 13 Sep 2007, 02:39)

To disable DHCP on a given interface in Kamikaze, you just replace its entire stanza in /etc/config/dhcp with "option ignore 1". If you do this for all interfaces, DNSmasq won't serve DHCP on any of them.
Of course, MaraDNS has features that DNSmasq lacks, I expect, so switching over to it isn't necessarily illegitimate.

The discussion might have continued from here.