OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Little help wanted

The content of this topic has been archived on 13 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.


I'm searching for an embedded device (okay, it's router!) that supports more than just routing. It should be able to

# use external hard disks (per USB or firewire)
# download using a bittorrent or mule client over night without a pc running
# provide a fileshare for the connected external harddisk (preferable as NFS share to use it with a sat receiver for recording)

I thought about a router with openWRT running on it.

Which one would you buy?

Thanks for your suggestions, folks!!

If you are not that bothered about the routing you could try a Linksys NSLU2.
It's a little hardware NAS unit that supports USB. Has been heavily hacked.

It will run OpenWrt Kamikaze or a number of other open firmwares mine runs Debian.  see


thanks for your response. I decided to use an EPIA device for routing, downloading and NAS purposes. smile


The discussion might have continued from here.