OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Topcom Webr@cer 1154+ Annex B Germany

The content of this topic has been archived on 23 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

I opened the box and checked some strings printed on the board. Here is a list of identified strings.

Wireless NIC: Texas Instruments TNETW1130GVF
Network Switch: Marvell 88E6060-RCJ
RJ45 Connectors: LAN-MATE LU4S041X



NEE 2M E98524
94V-0 0350

(CPU? … ar/DG834G)

(SDRAM? … ar/DG834G)

(Flash memory? It is mentioned as flash memory in this post. … ar/DG834G)
0408 F88

(ADSL Line Transformer?

I looked at the hardware list and found Castlenet ASW800 and Aztech DSL600EW with the same components. Both are specified as Texas Instruments AR7 boards. So is my router also based on this board and is there a way how i can verify it is the TI AR7 board in my router?

Today I nmaped my router with the OS detection option.

nmap -O 192.168.x.x

Starting Nmap 4.20 ( ) at 2007-10-26 12:42 CEST
Interesting ports on 192.168.x.x:
Not shown: 1696 closed ports
80/tcp open  http
MAC Address: 00:C0:02:A2:F9:58 (Sercomm)
Device type: broadband router|WAP
Running: Netgear embedded
OS details: Netgear DG834 or DG834G (wireless) DSL Router
Uptime: 0.009 days (since Fri Oct 26 12:28:54 2007)
Network Distance: 1 hop

OS detection performed. Please report any incorrect results at .
Nmap finished: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 2.518 seconds

Can I take this as evidence that the Topcom router is based on the AR7 board or is indeed the Netgear DG834?

I also added a foto of the board. … 020ae7.jpg

(Last edited by botwan on 4 Nov 2007, 17:40)

botwan wrote:


This chip belongs to the AR7 family but it is unclear which flavour it is exactly. See there.

botwan wrote:


SDRAM 16 MBytes from Mosel Vitelic.

botwan wrote:


NOR Flash 4 MBytes.

botwan wrote:

Can I take this as evidence that the Topcom router is based on the AR7 board or is indeed the Netgear DG834?

Your router uses a chip belonging to the AR7 family but the board is not exactly the one of the DG384.


I've got the same router and firmware v4.00 but no telnet function.
Now i've downgraded to v0109 and startet with

and then...


but i cannot find helpful informations about firmware and if it is possible to flash with openwrt-firmware.
anny suggestions to find out something more about the modem-router?

so this is the welcome-screen

BusyBox v0.61.pre (2004.07.13-03:41+0000) Built-in shell (ash)
Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.

# help

Built-in commands:
        . : bg break builtin cd chdir continue eval exec exit export
        false fc fg hash help jobs kill local pwd read readonly return
        set setvar shift times trap true type ulimit umask unset wait

PS: i hope my english isn't to bad, i'm from germany smile

(Last edited by djk1o on 8 Nov 2007, 19:14)

ok, i found something! smile
is there anything else we should know to flash webr@cer with openwrt? (e.g. how to flash it without ftp...)

# cd /proc/
# cat cpuinfo
processor               : 0
cpu model               : MIPS 4KEc V4.8
BogoMIPS                : 149.91
wait instruction        : no
microsecond timers      : yes
extra interrupt vector  : yes
hardware watchpoint     : yes
VCED exceptions         : not available
VCEI exceptions         : not available
# cat version
Linux version 2.4.17_mvl21-malta-mips_fp_le (root@Run-P4) (gcc version 2.95.3 20
010315 (release/MontaVista)) #162 Mon Jun 28 12:11:34 CST 2004

on the lower right corner is a JP603 as seen on netgear DG834G(B), is this the serial port connector?
couldn't find any picture of netgear PCB with attached serial port/wires! sad

(Last edited by djk1o on 9 Nov 2007, 10:55)

djk1o wrote:

ok, i found something! smile
is there anything else we should know to flash webr@cer with openwrt? (e.g. how to flash it without ftp...)

Could you find which boot loader is used on your device?
There is a list of likely possibilities for your device in section 1.5 of this wiki page.
From there, the description of each bootloader also explain how to reflash (tftp or ftp).

where can i find informations 'bout the bootloader?
i finally tried to flash and using the DG834 tutorial and had "hacked" mtd2.img for adam2 stuff (md5sum is correct!)
...but this router has no WGET and i don't know how to go on...sorry

is this helpful?

# cat /proc/ticfg/env
memsize 0x01000000
flashsize       0x00400000
modetty0        115200,n,8,1,hw
modetty1        115200,n,8,1,hw
bootserport     tty0
cpufrequency    150000000
sysfrequency    125000000
bootloaderVersion       0.18.01
ProductID       DG834
HWRevision      Unknown
SerialNumber    none
prompt  DGB34
firstfreeaddress        0x9402e088
req_fullrate_freq       125000000
mtd0    0x900d0000,0x903e0000
mtd1    0x90020000,0x900d0000
mtd2    0x90000000,0x90020000
mtd3    0x903e0000,0x903f0000
maca    00:c0:02:a2:f6:2a
macb    00:c0:02:a2:f6:2b
Bridge_MODE     0
mt_time 0
mtd4    0x903f0000,0x90400000
oam_lb_timeout  100
eoc_vendor_id   b50053434D4D0000
enable_margin_retrain   1

(Last edited by djk1o on 9 Nov 2007, 20:21)

ok, i can say it short...very short smile …

download and flash to the works *strike*

hm...still stuck on getting ftp...i try to fix and tell
but as i understand, there is no wpa support what i do realy need.

(Last edited by djk1o on 10 Nov 2007, 13:42)

So the router also works with Netgear's firmware?
Is there a way to flash the router over a serial connection? I looked at my pictures of the board but I couldn't find any jtag connectors.

yes, it works fine with netgear firmware, i think wlan is more stable and it's a bit faster.

But DON'T EVER try to flash with "openwrt-ar7-2.6-squashfs.bin" otherwise use the following tools and read the manual carefully!
What i was missing to know how to recover:
- switch off the webracer (or DG834GB)
- hold the reset button
- power on the device
- start the tool
- wait an be happy again. smile

RecoveryTool-Manual …

RecoveryTool-Binary …

botwan, is it possible that u dd all (0-4) MTDBLOCKS and upload/send ist for/to me? i finally crashed my wlan i think.
ok...i think its mtd4 what i need...this or just mtd0???

after recovering from bad flash with the RecoveryTool my router is only known as DG834B...not DG834GB

(Last edited by djk1o on 11 Nov 2007, 17:01)

Sorry I don't own the router myself, it's my sister's router. So I can't send it until tomorrow evening. You also have to tell me how to get terminal access to the router because my former attempts failed to login via telnet. Do I have to downgrade to version 1.0 to enable telnet support? I still have Topcom firmware v.4.0 installed.  Btw. how did you flashed your device?

I think the AR7 port doesn't support the router's network switch, yet. Marvel 88E6060 support is still on the TODO list. … 75f508d60f
But I am still eager to see Openwrt on the Topcom router with wpa2 support.

(Last edited by botwan on 11 Nov 2007, 16:55)

well it is easy:
1) download firmware 1.09 from (support, downloads, W)
2) upgrade firmware (should named downgrade in this case)
4) telnet
5) cd /tmp
6) dd if=/dev/mtdblock/X of=mtdX.img (X = 0-4)
7) mini_httpd -p 1080
8) in browser

keep this MTDs in a very safe place, my mtd4 is complete crashed...device is now known as SCFFFFF should be something like SCA2F****
hope that i have the bill for guarante

so, i've now another modem/router (versatel/versanet) called Sphairon AR860E1-B.
For configuration to use as a router some settings are not easy to get and also to save. now the modem is acting like a router, but there are many missing connectors, LEDs. I've opend it and found USB and SERIAL...will start new thread. smile

(Last edited by djk1o on 11 Nov 2007, 21:52)

The discussion might have continued from here.