OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: 32MB SDRAM upgrade on the FON220x?

The content of this topic has been archived on 27 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

Has anyone tried to upgrade the SDRAM on a FON2200 or FON2201 (new La Fonera or La Fonera+)? I'm curious because redboot is reporting different usable memory ranges than the old FON2100 hardware.

I recently received my thanksgiving freebie, and it was a model FON2200. I'm tempted to just let it run as my FON hotspot, and upgrade my remaining "virgin" FON2100, since I still have a known good redboot image that recognizes 32MB on that hardware. However, I may try taking the flash chip from a dead FON2100 board, and just see if it will boot correctly on the FON2200 board. (they should be darn near identical, save for redboot) If the old redboot will operate correctly on the new hardware (which I suspect it will) then the 32MB upgrade should work fine.

Also, are there really on 3 (4 of you want to cut traces) gpio lines exposed on these boards? Has anyone tried probing to see if the other gpio are terminated anywhere on the board?


Good luck! Let us know what happens.

The discussion might have continued from here.