OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: WAP54Gv3 how to do it..?

The content of this topic has been archived on 1 Feb 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

I have a WAP54Gv3 recently flashed with micro openwrt image, i hapenned that i never get webif, only wireless access using SSH, and wasn't be able to get it working as a router with the LAN port as the WAN interface.
I wonder if is it possible to flashed this WAP54G with kamikaze 7.09 micro image..?
Can someone tell me how to set the nvram correctly and get it working as router..?


Finally i got my WAP54G working as a router using the LAN if as the wan.
For you people who are still searching how to.

vlan1ports=4 3 2 1 0 5
nvram commit

Simply just copy and modifiy your nvram settings.


The discussion might have continued from here.