OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Wiki Guidelines?

The content of this topic has been archived on 27 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

Are there any published guidelines for updating the Wiki?
For instance, I was going to add internal pictures of Airlink101 AR670W.
Is there a standard format for the hardware platform info page?
Embedded pictures seem to be rare; are they actively discouraged (ie for bandwidth limits?)
(In favor of links to external photo hosting sites, perhaps?)
Is there particular info that should be included before it's worthwhile to have a page at all?
(ie all I've got so far are photos...)


Hi WestfW

I noticed the links to older docs (such as screenshot guidelines) are broken/gone. If you're interested in contributing here, let me know, we can perhaps start working on new guidelines.

I don't have much time (maybe 1h/week) for this but I am interested in improving OpenWRT docs for beginners and adding screenshots to existing docs.

Look up my IM / email contact info at

There were pics in some of the old Wiki docs like WRTSL54GS.  I know this because I put a lot of pics in that document.  They are all missing.  I suspect pics were not ported over to nuWiki, but are they still stored somewhere?  I dunno, hard to find anything out about the nuWiki organizers.

(Last edited by vincentfox on 22 Sep 2009, 17:36)

vincentfox wrote:

There were pics in some of the old Wiki docs like WRTSL54GS.  I know this because I put a lot of pics in that document.  They are all missing.  I suspect pics were not ported over to nuWiki, but are they still stored somewhere?  I dunno, hard to find anything out about the nuWiki organizers.

You seem to ignore my responses smile … 995#p93995 … 427#p94427

(Last edited by jow on 22 Sep 2009, 18:26)

Ahah, thank you don't know how I missed them.  My off-and-on relationship.... I am archiving now for future reattachment.

The discussion might have continued from here.