OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Can't login using SSH

The content of this topic has been archived on 27 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

I just upgraded from 10.03.1-rc3 to 10.03.1-rc6 (on a DIR825).

WIth the new release, I can't anylonger login using ssh publickey authorization.  When I go to System/Administration in the Lua interface, I can see my ssh key pasted properly.

What could be wrong?

Best regards,
Mikael D.

Ciao mdjurfeldt,

I hope this could help you.

check your ~/.ssh/known_hosts file first (you may even delete or rename, on mine I had only one entry)

when u use ssh what is written before @

try ssh -l rootloginname changing
rootloginname with your root login name normally unless u have change it.

I lost few hours to get it and hope will help u too



The discussion might have continued from here.