OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: boot off ethernet?

The content of this topic has been archived on 2 May 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

Hey everyone...

I was just wondering if anyone knows how to boot the device from the ethernet w/o having to actually burn the flash?  I've been playing with the WRT54g for a few days and it would be much nicer if it didn't save the image to flash each time.  So, if I totally hose the image - i just reboot and it's back to factory flash.

Anyone have any ideas?


I think you've mistaken us with

As for OpenWRT, even if you wrote to the flash every 5 minutes it'd still take roughly 10 years to reach the million write cycles the flash is rated at and even if you did hose things a few times in the process you could recover with tftp at boot_wait.


I think you've mistaken us with

As for OpenWRT, even if you wrote to the flash every 5 minutes it'd still take roughly 10 years to reach the million write cycles the flash is rated at and even if you did hose things a few times in the process you could recover with tftp at boot_wait.


Thanks for the link... 

I'm not worried about killing the flash by writing to it to many times.  I just want a way to speed up development/testing and waiting for it to write the flash is a PITA.  Also, I killed one wrt54g by losing power when it was writing the flash after a tftp session....   and I have been unable to get it to come back to live sad  I even went as far as trying to short out pins on the flash to see if I could cause a CRC error and go into boot_wait mode...  so all I get is a blink'n power light sad


The discussion might have continued from here.