OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: OpenWRT-status on NetGear DG834GB

The content of this topic has been archived on 28 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

Hi there!

I've been looking around this place for some weeks now but I couldn't find any recent status information on the AR7Port for the NetGear DG834GB-router. The latest information is from september as far as I can tell. Is anyone currently actively developing in that domain?

Unfortunately I can't do much more than test the AR7port since I'm involved in other projects actively already and my work is taking much time. But if I can be of assistance anyways (i.e. providing you with information which you need to verify or check for the development) don't hesitate to contact me.

Happy new year!


Yes, it would be nice to see work done on this product.  I would certainly be interested and although i'm not able to do any development work, I would be glad to provide testing and feedback assistance.  It's a nice little package and I'm sure it can do more than the netgear firmware provides.

The discussion might have continued from here.