OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Using OpenWRT for VOIP

The content of this topic has been archived on 18 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.


I am a owner of an WRT54G wireless router, and I am considering getting a service of VoIP pretty soon. I was wondering if I could hear some experiences, from users of OpenWRT who have dealt with VoIP? What are your impressions?

Basically I think that the most important feature for this, is QoS/Traffic Shaping. Does OpenWRT support this? How good are those packages?


OpenWRT = Linux.

QOS / TC = Linux

It is pretty good when you know what you are doing with tc.

Expect to invest several weeks to configure QOS for VOIP so it is running perfectly.

>Expect to invest several weeks to configure QOS for VOIP so it is running perfectly.

See the Linksys 2.09.1 FW for the VoIP tc commands and you don't need to search/try.

Yes, you can do this.

But note:

Not any QOS of these firmwares it yet optimal for VOIP yet.
You have to do some changes on your own.

The discussion might have continued from here.