OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Gigabyte has released the source!

The content of this topic has been archived on 8 Jun 2015. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

Gigabyte has posted the source tarballs, and they seem complete (just downloading it, 90-100Mb each).
All Linux based Gigabyte router has the GPL link, and new kits will be shipped with the GPL license on the cd. Source code will be available on the homepage.

Thank You, Gigabyte.

Gigabyte has released the source, but where is the source tar ball for Gigabyte GN-B46B?   
Or is it possible to use other tar balls with this model?

Gigabyte has released the source, but where is the source tar ball for Gigabyte GN-B46B?   
Or is it possible to use other tar balls with this model?

Maybe ask them for it. They are slowly uploading the source for each model. For the first time, only the B49G's firmware was up, then they are added the BR404W's. For the B46B, it should be a bit harder, as Realtek made everyone's life difficult.. You can read more about that on
Anyway, asking about the source won't hurt, IMHO.

As a sidenote - all Gigabyte routers' GPL source is available right now.

So has anybody gotten around to actually building the firmware?  The readme I saw in the tarball didn't seem to be referring to this particular packaging of the source.


The discussion might have continued from here.