OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: [wrt54g v1.1] Which one is right antenna

The content of this topic has been archived on 8 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

I wonder which antenna is the right one on a wrt54g v1.1?
thanx for your answer...

I wonder which antenna is the right one on a wrt54g v1.1?
thanx for your answer...

It seems that the right antenna is number 1 and the left one is 0.

uhm, you may wish to describe the orientation there, it tends to help with defining the antenna  big_smile

When you have the Backplane in front of you the Antenna 0 ist the right one, 1 is the left one.

But much more interesting is, which one is the better one? The right Plug ist connected internaly via Pigtail to the Board. The left one ist directly soldered on the board. I would expect the left should be the one with better output...

Can anybody proof this?


When you have the Backplane in front of you the Antenna 0 ist the right one, 1 is the left one.

But much more interesting is, which one is the better one? The right Plug ist connected internaly via Pigtail to the Board. The left one ist directly soldered on the board. I would expect the left should be the one with better output...

Can anybody proof this?


Ok, that is surely the source of all my problems :-(

And another thing to take care about is that new antenne selection settings seem to be used ONLY after a reboot (nvram commit isn't enough).

you can use wl to change the antenna selection without rebooting:

wl antdiv 0
wl txant 0
antdiv  Set antenna diversity for rx
        0 - force use of antenna 0
        1 - force use of antenna 1
        3 - automatic selection of antenna diversity

txant   Set the transmit antenna
        0 - force use of antenna 0
        1 - force use of antenna 1
        3 - use the RX antenna selection that was in force during
            the most recently received good PLCP header

The "auto" settings don't seem to work very well when using 1 external antenna...


The discussion might have continued from here.