OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: BusyBox and OpenWRT

The content of this topic has been archived on 24 Mar 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

I had my old WRT54G router messed with last time by some irate neighbour, and I decided that I needed to password-protect it.  So, after I picked up another router (I'm still trying to de-brick the last one) I decided to compile the firmware with all the options turned on.  Now, I have a working router, except for the fact that when I telnet it, it asks me for a username and password.

What makes matters worse is that it was running new firmware before, and I couldn't turn on the boot_wait. sad

Is there anything else I could try first before debricking it and transferring new firmware?  To prevent this in the future, where in buildroot would I shove a /etc/passwd file?

After looking through the forums for a solution to the problem, this is what I found: … debricking

Also, I created a passwd file in /buildroot/sources/openwrt/root/etc/.  Does this correspond to /etc on the router?  Once I put a new image on, will this be read?

The discussion might have continued from here.