OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Favorite Features, Mfrs and Retailers; Availability of Hardware

The content of this topic has been archived on 25 Mar 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

I presently have a WRT54G running white russian and I don't have enough flash memory to run wireless snort and openvpen and the CIFS client. Snort was one of a long list of apps documented on this web site but don't see that list anymore. Is wireless snort still supported?

There used to be some pages on this site called "success stories". Are they gone?

Anyway, I want to buy another router so I can run openvpen, the CIFS client and wireless snort. I could add a SD card (as per the directions on the old site) or just buy one with enough memory in the first place, I suppose.

What would be some favorite models, manufactures and retailers?

After looking at I see there are a lot of new features like USB ports hmmmmm.... Can I add flash memory with the USB ports?
I was just looking at freecom -- I wonder if those Europeon products would run in North America (where I am).

Hmmmm... WRTSL54GS looks like the only one that supports openWRT and USB. Is it readily available?

What might be some other favorite features besides USB ports I might be interested in?

A while a go there was a lot of concern about linksys abandoning linux in favor of vxworks making openwrt compatible hardware scarce. Is this still an issue?

I apologize: I'll post this in the general discussion because I don't think it belongs in this topic.

The discussion might have continued from here.