Hi there !
I've got 2 Sercomm IP806GB Router here and wan't to put OpenWRT onto them (i just have them for testing purpose. If they are destroyed during the openwrt installation noone cares ;-) ).
I've already build an openwrt-ar7-2.4-squashfs.bin
I've read the TableOfHardware and found the Sercomm IP806GB as an aka to ALL0277DSL.
The ALL0277DSL is AR7 based and has got an Marvell 88E6060 switch chip. So long the Sercomm iss the same.
The ALL0277DSL has an TI ACX111 wireless chipset and here differs the Sercomm which has an TI TNETW1130.
So the Sercomm seems not to be 100% the same as the ALL0277DSL.
As i looked through the TOH i found the Aztech DSL600EW which has the same Marvell 88E6060 an the TI TNETW1130
and i was quite surprised as i read it was supported.
Ok back to putting OpenWRT on this Box. The internal Webserver has an firmware-upgrade option but it rejects my selfbuild OpenWRT (wrong/missing Headers ?)
and during the bootup there seems to be no tftp server running. (tried to put the firmware via tftp-hpa with rexmt 1 like i did when flashing my siemens se505)
gaining ftp accecs during adam boot weren't possible. (maybe it doesn't use adam?)
Serial/JTAG Connectors aren't there (soldered) but i found an unsoldered port which is labeled JP603. It has 6 unsoldered pins (jtag needs 7 so maybe this is an console or usb port ??)
Now what can i do ?
How can i gain acces to to any shell (the netgear setupg.cgi?todo=debug trick doesn work although there is a setup.cgi which accepts todo as an argument)
How can i find out if the IP806GB is the same Hardware as the Aztech ?
And if it is the same what build can i put on it (according to the TOH it is supported... supported means supported by whiterussian but whiterussian has no Ar7 builds right ?)
thx 4 any help
EDIT: I've found an folder in the svn tree under /target/linux/ar7-2.4/image/sercomm ... does it have anything to do with the sercomm routers ? inside there is an Adam2.bin ... is this an patch for the adam2 bootloader on the sercomm ?
(Last edited by Metalmonster on 22 Mar 2007, 15:29)