OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: OPENWRT on DG834Gv3 not working

The content of this topic has been archived on 24 Jan 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

I'm trying to replace the DG834Gv3 without success.

I have replaced the boot loader with a PSP one, thanks to a jtag interface. It was a locked ADAM2, without FTP access and with no SERIAL console access.
I'm now able to do everything on this router, but i still cannot build up a running OPENWRT.

I uploaded the kernel files, the kernel decompressor launches and then i see "Lanching Kernel" on serial interface.
And then, the silent.

I'm not able to view anything on serial console (9600,19200, 38400, 115200), and don't see the device at

What can i do? I have full control on the device, but OPENWRT seems to not work. On a DG834Gv2 it worked successfully.

I can post any information that you need.

Thank you i.a.,

(Last edited by aNt1X on 24 Mar 2007, 12:52)

how can I locate the jtag in the board for v3?
I have a bricked dg834v1,  do you have any information on the jtag location?

the JTAG is the JP102 connector, near the serial JP603 connector.
IF you keep your ethernet connectors to the right with the adsl connector to the bottom, and the wireless chip on the top, the JTAG connector will be at top-left corner of the board, it's the 14-pin connector that you have to mount.

The discussion might have continued from here.