OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: can Meraki(atheros) connect to LinksysWRT54GL in Adhoc

The content of this topic has been archived on 24 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

Hi all,

I have searched the forums but couldn't find a similar post so I thought I'd throw this question up.

Has anyone been able to use a Meraki device(atheros chipset) to Connect to a Linksys WRT54G(L) or the other models?

I have a meraki here that I have flashed with Kamikaze and a Linksys flashed with standard OpenWRT in Adhoc mode for a mesh network im connecting into. I have not been able to connect to any Linksys devices with any atheros wireless device I have, that included the meraki and also my own ITX box with a Atheros wireless PCI card.

Just wondering if anyone else has had problems connecting the linksys's to meraki's or other atheros based devices.


I have a meraki connecting to a linksys wrt54g in both normal infrastructure and wds mode, but admittedly i've only tried adhoc in passing with atheros (it worked though). if I remember i'll try later atheros-broadcom adhoc and see what happens

Cheers, Thanks for that

I honestly can't work out why it wont connect when all my other devices that aren't atheros based can connect to pretty much anything.


The discussion might have continued from here.