OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: multiple ssid

The content of this topic has been archived on 15 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

Is there anyone who can say with authority that on a wrt54gl (broadcom), there is no way in the foreseeable future that multiple ssid's will work properly with windows?

I think i understand that the problem is that while the access point can broadcast several ssid's, it doesn't virtualise the MAC address (BSSID?) and windows gets confused, but I can't see from the information i have read if this is a limitation of the broadcom chipset, or of the driver... I assume that if it was the former then we're stuck with it unless someone can come up with a very clever hack, but if it's the latter then it might be achievable...



it is a driver limitation, multiple ssid's work with windows it just requires that you manually input the wireless settings at least in my limited testing

Thanks for the reply. Are there any other routers which are supported under Kamikaze that do support a windows-compatible multiple ssid mode? Or is the broadcom one as good as it gets?


james.harper wrote:

Thanks for the reply. Are there any other routers which are supported under Kamikaze that do support a windows-compatible multiple ssid mode? Or is the broadcom one as good as it gets?

Any supported router with an Atheros base radio will work properly.   Keep in mind however that platforms besides broadcom are not quite as stable yet under Kamikaze.

The discussion might have continued from here.