OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: LZMA in big endian

The content of this topic has been archived on 12 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.


on my zyxel AR7 router (big endian) the lzma decompressor returns with a decompression error. I compressed it on my i386 system, so it probably uses little endian byte order. I didn't find any knobs in either the decompressor or the LZMA compressor. I'll next try to get access to a big endian qemu image or something like that, but would be really grateful for any hints for converting the code so it outputs big endian data.



LZMA compressed files are not endian specific. Maybe the LZMA version is different...

The discussion might have continued from here.