OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Router Standby (low-power) modes?

The content of this topic has been archived on 29 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.


Anyone aware of an ability to send these routers into low power (standby) modes?

I'm particularly interested if this is possible for the netgear wgt634u router... but it would be good to hear if anyone has tried this with other routers.

Ideally, would be great to find a mode that can be woken up, e.g. by wake-on-LAN (WOL) and also by interrupt (esp. GPIO interrupt, so I can wake it up on infra-red reception or RTC)



AFAIK those devices do not support sleep modes. Think about a "PowerManager circuit", like some kind of µC that communicates with the device via second serial port or USB and is able to power down/up your device. At least waking up your device via RTC (included in µC or attached via regular interface like I²C) will be possible then.

Hi Tom

Thanks for your note, good idea...I guess if I run power over ethernet to the routers I want to power down then I can control that from a central location (I have 3 routers; one will probably be on all the time but the other two I use for music and as a baby monitor so they only really need to be up from time to time)

[nbd] sent me this link to the processor specification (used in many of these routers) which is sprinkled with reference to power management capabilities but I havent had a chance to really study it yet...

there may be other things I can do to get power down like lower the clock speed and un-power the wireless card etc.

I'll post any results on this thread


(Last edited by johncass on 18 May 2007, 11:54)

The discussion might have continued from here.