OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: routerboard 100 memory size

The content of this topic has been archived on 7 May 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

On the 133, the memory is always reported as 16Mb when it in fact has 32Mb. This is the case with all the 100 series except the 112 and 133c.

The default of 16Mb is hard coded in prom.c as a default and retrieved using prom_getenv then the cmdline is checked to see if there is a memsize value.

For now, I can work around this by using patch-cmdline to set the memory size but this is not optimal IMHO. I think that the correct way to do this is to add a field to the adm5120_board structure with the memory size which would make it more consistent with the way that the flash size etc are reported in adm5120_info.c.

As I am a newb here and I am willing to correct this but before I do, I am looking for advice from others.



that's a good point, you may want to open a relative ticket over @

The discussion might have continued from here.