OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Help with converting from Whiterussian to Kamikaze

The content of this topic has been archived on 10 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

OK, time to give Kamikaze a try.

I have been running Whiterussian for over a year with Chillispot and WDS. I would like to give Kamikaze a try, but I am scratching my head because I find the documentation quite limited, to say the least. My most important NVRAM settings in Whiterussian are as follows:


wifi_ifnames=eth1 wds0.49153 wds0.49154 wds0.49155 wds0.49156 wds0.49157

These settings are used to break the bridge between WiFi and LAN, and to prepare the WiFi to accept WDS from a number of wireless clients.

wl0_wds=00:14:BF:E3:17:ED 00:04:E2:D7:6E:14 00:18:39:BC:13:C4 00:18:39:BC:13:CA 00:1A:70:6E:D3:77

These settings are used to define the MAC addresses that I need for WDS.

Could someone please give me a 'translation' of the settings above so they would run on Kamikaze?



(Last edited by ajauberg on 17 Jun 2007, 11:51)

OK, no feedback, do documentation, no hints...

I guess I would reflash to Whiterussian for now.


I was also unable to get wds to work. But apparently the info for this is somewhat in the documentation, it just appears to not work when you do it :-\

The discussion might have continued from here.