OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: WL-500gP with Gigabyte GN-Wl01HT and Kamikaze 7.06 - WORKS GREAT

The content of this topic has been archived on 16 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

Hi all,

After a lot of fiddling around with my stock WL-500gP (broadcom 43xx troubles, stuck to kernel 2.4)  I changed the mini-pci to a Gigabyte WL01HT.

Guess what? The Kamikaze brcm47xx-2.6 works like a charm. No troubles at all.

Even aircrack-ng hops channels now (couldn't get that working with the wl and wl-mimo drivers for broadcom).


I guess other Atheros mini-pci cards should work as well, as long as they are Madwifi supported.

Just wanted to let all the WL-500gP owners know.



Lucky you, I tried the same with Intel ipw-2100 and although it seems supported, in reality dmesg says it cannot load the firmware I put in /lib/firmware. I don't have an atheros minipci

Where did you purchase the Gigabyte WL01HT from ?

Got it at

But this card can also be found at eBay (~30 euro) or even

Other cards with AR5006XS chipset (or any Atheros AR5xxx chipset??) should work fine, too, I suppose. Doesn't necessarily have to be Gigabyte. The Wistron CM9 is said to work as well.



Byt the way: I did also try an Askey AR5BMB5 (based on which Atheros chipset??) and although it works (I tried airodump-ng), it seems to be MUCH less sensitive than the Gigabyte GN-Wl01HT.

Comparison: The AR5BMB5 saw 5 acces points, the GN saw 18 !!

congratulations, but did you ever try a WPA2-PSK mode? my router is much like yours but WPA2-psk not works here..  see ticket #1947

did you get 802.11a to work with that card?
regards, e_


I've been trying to do what you have accomplished with the AR5006SX card in the WL500gP. I installed the Atheros card and loaded the Kamikaze 7.06 Broadcom 2.6 trx image and it seemed to install ok, the dmesg shows both the 11.a and 11.g is found--all the speeds available for both formats were listed. But when I ran iwconfig no wireless ports were listed.

Did you have to load any packages to get it to work? Is there something else I have to do so iwconfig will see the wlan interfaces? Is the 11.a interface working for you?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Rob Robinette

Atheros needs madwifi-ng

I don't see madwifi-ng listed in the Kami706Broadcom2.6 package list. Is it available at one of the non-standard repositories?

I did try to install kmod-madwifi but Kamikaze said it was already installed and up to date.


I got my Atheros AR5006X based Compex mini-pci card working in the WL500gP with Kami 7.06 Broadcom 47xx 2.6 trx installed. Very sweet. Both the A and G channels are available for selection and work, but you can only run A or G, not both simultaneously.

The correct madwifi drivers are already installed with the base 47xx 2.6 trx Kamikaze image. My problem above was caused by not using the madwifi configuration programs properly to initialize the card. Webif2 correctly identified the Atheros chip and offered up a configuration that included the A and G channels.

So all you have to do to get Kamikaze running is swap the radio cards, flash the Kamikaze 7.06 Broadcom 47xx 2.6 (not 2.4) trx file, telnet in and change the password, ssh in and run "ipkg install webif", then configure the router using the Webif2 web interface.


(Last edited by robrob on 8 Jul 2007, 02:16)

Can someone give me an advise how to disassemble the
I wasn't able to find an instruction on the net.
I would like to exchange the WLAN-mini-PCI too, but
failed to find a way to open the case without risking
to make an irreversible damage. :-((
Thanks in advance.


Of course, just when one cried for help in a forum because he was unable to
find the information he desperately seeked, the fairy godmother appears and
solves the problem.  ;-))
I finally found by accident a review of the WL-500gP which described the
disassembly (open up) of the case.
To help the next "seeker" here is the description:
Remove the glued rubber feeds on the bottom of the router and you will find
four screws. One of them will be covered by a warranty seal.
Remove all four and the upper and lower part of the case can be separated.


kenatopenwrt wrote:

Can someone give me an advise how to disassemble the
I wasn't able to find an instruction on the net.
I would like to exchange the WLAN-mini-PCI too, but
failed to find a way to open the case without risking
to make an irreversible damage. :-((
Thanks in advance.


Hey smile I'm using the 2.6.22 kernel now and ofc my broadcom wireless isn't recognized.
And like i've read on the forum i get alot of segfaults when handling the router with 2.6.xx
My question is if i would replace the mini-pci card with an atheros chipset that's stated it works would i get rid of all the segmentation faults then ?

(Last edited by sfa on 15 Aug 2007, 10:34)

I'm using the tag (stable) release of Kamikaze 7.09 in a WL-500g Premium with an Atheros mini-pci radio card and it works but I still get many segmentation faults when using the webif2 web interface.

I can't get the trunk 7.09 to work properly with my USB hard drive. When I compile with all the packages I need for the USB hard drive the jffs2 file system doesn't show up (not mounted?).


The discussion might have continued from here.