Is available "Advanced Wireless" menu in X-WRT for OpenWRT Kamikaze ?
I cand find it
Topic: X-WRT on OpenWRT Kamikaze 7.06 , Advanced Wireless menu...
The content of this topic has been archived on 30 Mar 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.
I don't know if it's hardware dependent or not - but it's not in webif r3366 on a wrt54gl. Here are some of the options available in /etc/config/wireless but they might not all work on all hardware types. It's my understanding that some of these options are not available on Broadcom based units at this time (such as txpower).
config wifi-device wl0
option type broadcom
option channel '11'
# disable radio to prevent an open ap after reflashing:
option disabled '0'
option mode ''
option maxassoc ''
option distance '10'
option diversity ''
option txantenna ''
option rxantenna ''
config wifi-iface
option device wl0
option network 'lan'
option mode 'ap'
option ssid 'xxxxxx''
option hidden '0'
option encryption 'psk'
option key 'xxxxxx'
option bssid ''
option server ''
option port ''
option isolate '0'
option txpower ''
option bgscan ''
option key1 ''
option key2 ''
option key3 ''
option key4 ''
regloss: some options may get set that do not work on your hardware platform, this is due to a bug in the uci system (which I think is fixed in 7.06).
Newkiller: There is no Advanced Wireless section in kamikaze, instead all of the options are on the Wireless page. Be aware that the underlying script only supports a fraction of what was supported in whiterussian at this time.
The discussion might have continued from here.