OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: madwifi OK in SVN-trunk on the WGT634U?

The content of this topic has been archived on 6 May 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

Just wondering if anyone out there is using the driver without problems.

On my test system (r7718) I cannot associate with faraway access points, and the driver appears to lock up periodically and disassociate from the AP.

I'd like to share notes with anyone out there who is using it successfully, especially on longer-distance links.

I tested on a Meraki mini about a month ago with madwifi.  The link was only about 1/4 mile, had an rssi of -61, but the link had horrible packet loss.  (10 to 20%)   The same link with a Buffalo WHR-G54S maintains less than 1% packet loss.   There is some interference in the area, so some packet loss is expected. 

As of that testing (r7262) I would consider it unusable.   I will test again soon and post in this forum my results.

I wonder if this is related to the problems that were found on the Microtik RB1xx boards.  See ticket 1904.

The discussion might have continued from here.