OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Wrt54g-3g

The content of this topic has been archived on 5 May 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

Sorry for cross-posting...

I recently patched my WRT54G3G with Kamikaze - seems like it was really Kamikaze.
Since installing pcmcia kernel module my box cannot be reached via network, no ping, no telnet, nothing - it seems like there is a Kernel Oops when booting - is there any chance to recover my box? Comments warmly appreciated!

Can anyone please help me??


thanks for advise, but still it doesn't work, the description seems to be right, the DMZ led is blinking but it doesn't take the file, I get timeout. I think it stops/crashes before the firmware can bring up the interfaces.

Is there a chance to make a serial cable and then see what's happening, I've seen that there's a way to make a cable, but will it help me, will I get a console, especially is there any option to disable loading drivers or failsave or anything I can do????


maybe it helps if I also say that the power led is flashing all the time, the dmz led is flashing much slower

The discussion might have continued from here.