OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Bad Setting/flashing

The content of this topic has been archived on 29 Mar 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

Hi everyone, I am a newbie on openwrt and have some problem when I set it up

First I can flash openwrt  (snapshot 20050202) to my WRT54G v2 successfully then I want to set the openwrt as the gateway to internet and to different subet (have 4 ports at back to 4 different subent 192.168.1-4.XXX) Then my night mare begin

I use nvram to set vlan2 have port 2 then I reboot. After that, I can't ssh or telnet my WRT54G. I try failmode, but still can't ping it.
Then I try to shorten the 15&16pin, now I can pin it when it boot up (only by WAN port) , but still can't telnet it

Then I re-flash openwrt to the router, but it still can't access the router and only answer ping message when it boot up.

After try many times, I restore the linksys firmware (ver 2.00.8). after flash it, the router still not accessable, but I can ping the router. I use nmap to scan the router and none of the port is open. I don't know what can I try now.
And how can I setup openwrt as gateway to internet, dhcp server to 4 different subnet

Please give me some advices, Thank you


I was in a quite similar situation recently with the difference that my machine is a -GS model.

I couldn't telnet into the router after flashing it, not even in failsafe mode.

As a last resort I followed the instructions on voidman-is-a-geek's page and that did it. Shortening the pins at the right moment I was able re-flash it with a different firmware and now it works.

I'm afraid that's all that you can try, too. But maybe one of the veterans here knows an alternative?

D. O.

Maybe a serial-cable or a JTAG-cable could help you.

Hi benoity,

I have near the same problem but with a WRT54GS rev 1.0

Then my night mare begin

My too sad

Then I re-flash openwrt to the router, but it still can't access the router and only answer ping message when it boot up.

sounds like my problem

After try many times, I restore the linksys firmware (ver 2.00.8). after flash it, the router still not accessable, but I can ping the router. I use nmap to scan the router and none of the port is open. I don't know what can I try now.

I restore linksys firmware
namp shows all intresting ports filtered.

Please give me some advices, Thank you

Whats about you power, DMZ and WLAN LED???
Power LED: blinks nonstop
DMZ: blinks slow ca. 3 sec on 3 sec off nonstop
WLAN LED: is off

Sometime the DMZ LED is on, after flashing or reset-button.

Very intersting is that i can flash it anytime and with any firmware. It seems always to stay in recover-mode.


HI all
thankz for all your reply

It seems we have the same problem X_X
my led light pattern is the same as yours

and after I reflash the Linksys firmware 2.0.8 twice, I back to the state that led light is not flash, can only pin the router in the first few second when it boot up. and then the router not response at all.

I have try shorten the 15 and 16 pins of the flash rom.
After shorten it, I can upload new firmware, but nothing else X_X

Power LED: blinks nonstop
DMZ: blinks slow ca. 3 sec on 3 sec off nonstop
WLAN LED: is off

that state indicates, that your router is in failsafe mode an should respond to ping on
in that state you can send a new image via tftp (only send official linksys firmware when running the router in failsafe mode).
as soon as you uploaded the new image to the router, the dmz led should go off but the power led should keep blinking for about another 1 or 2 minutes.
after the flashing process is complete and the router has everything set up again, the power led should stop blinking.
Do NOT reboot/unplug the router while the power led is still blinking or your router will again fall back  into failsafe mode.
you now should be able to access the webinterface again on

this procedure worked for me some times now, but there could be differences between different revisions. (im using wrt54gs rev1.1)

The discussion might have continued from here.