OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Maximum squashfs image size for a device?

The content of this topic has been archived on 9 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

I am confused about what the maximum image size is that you can still succesfully flash given a FLASH memory size. Is this the physical flash chip's capacity minus the size of the bootloader? How can you determine it?

On a related note (I guess) I get messages like

mini_fo: using base directory: /
mini_fo: using storage directory: /jffs
mini_fo: build_sto_structure: failed to create storage dir [1].
mini_fo: get_neg_sto_dentry: ERROR building sto structure.
mini_fo: create_sto_file: ERROR getting neg. sto dentry.

on boot of my build; does this mean my image was too big (it still sort of works though)

Finally, I wonder if there are build options that I need to set to shrink modules or strip them of symbols or something since my wl.o is no less than 850474 bytes, looks excessive to me?



Could someone answer the questions stated in the original post please? I'm getting the same error and very much interested in any information that will allow to fix the problem. I'm using Kamikaze r7925 and all attempts to build workable configuration end up with this error despite the image size (.trx file) is <1.6M while the flash chip fits 2M (ASUS WL-700gE)


The discussion might have continued from here.