OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: WDS problems with kamikaze 7.06

The content of this topic has been archived on 21 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

I'm having trouble getting WDS working between 2 kamikaze devices.  I'd like to use my existing device (wrtsl54gs) as my gateway and "primary" AP, and extend the network using a newly purchased whr-hp-g54.

However, I can't seem to make this work.  I've followed various bits of advice I've found on the forums to no avail.  I've crafted the following config files, but I seem to be missing something.

Here is my configuration on the already-in-use linksys:

root@wrtsl54gs:/etc/config# cat wireless 
config wifi-device  wl0
        option type     broadcom
        option channel  '1'
# disable radio to prevent an open ap after reflashing:
        option disabled '0'

config wifi-iface
        option device   wl0
        option network  'lan'
        option mode     'ap'
        option ssid     'myssid'
        option hidden   '0'
        option encryption       'psk'
        option key      'mypsk'

config wifi-iface
        option device   'wl0'
        option network  'lan'
        option mode     'wds'
        option ssid     'wdsssid'
        option hidden   '0'
        option encryption       'none'
        option bssid    '00:16:01:--:--:--'

And on the new box:

root@whrhpg54:/etc/config# cat wireless 
config wifi-device  wl0
        option type     broadcom
        option channel  '1'
# disable radio to prevent an open ap after reflashing:
        option disabled '0'

config wifi-iface 
        option device   'wl0'
        option network  'lan'
        option mode     'ap'
        option ssid     'myssid2'
        option hidden   '0'
        option encryption       'psk'
        option key      'mypsk' 

config wifi-iface
        option device   'wl0'
        option mode     'wds'
        option ssid     'wdsssid'
        option hidden   '0'
        option encryption       'none'
        option network  'lan'
        option bssid    '00:10:18:--:--:--'

Upon rebooting, the devices have 'wds0.1' interfaces, but show no traffic transmitted or received.  The interfaces have (properly, I think) been automatically added to the br-lan bridges.  Both devices are configured with the bridge interface on the same subnet.  I have disabled the firewall and dnsmasq on the secondary device.  As recommended, I have not enabled WPA on the wds devices, although I do have it enabled on the AP itself.

Now, my understanding is that I should not have to do any additional configuration - at this point I should be able to ping between the two boxes.  However, I cannot.  I would appreciate any advice that would point me in the right direction.

A number of wds and wds+wpa bugs were fixed after the 7.06 release.

Thanks for the reply - now I have another question.  Would I be best served by moving to SVN, or can I update some scripts on my existing 7.06 installs to make WDS work?  I don't have any other issues with 7.06, so I don't necessarily want to upgrade if I can avoid it.

Also, can anybody verify that my configuration above looks correct?

You can't set your AP to psk and then set the WDS link to unencrypted (or vice versa). WDS should be set to psk (but you can set the AP to any combination of psk/psk2).

In terms of files that need to be updated to fix wds:
(package: filename)
base-files-brcm-2.4: /lib/network/
wlc: /sbin/wlc
wlc: /etc/hotplug.d/net/20-broadcom_wds

Given the number of other bugs that have been fixed post 7.06 it'd probably make more sense to wait for the 7.07 release. If you're really impatient, there's some early binaries here - but I wouldn't call it a beta, release canidate or anything of the sort; we're still writing 7.07.

I'm feeling a bit adventurous (and this new device is still within the return period), so I'll see if I can get it working.  Thanks very much for the assistance.

I just wanted to mention that everything is working now thanks to the advice above.  Using the missing bits from mbm's pre-release packages enabled WDS to work flawlessly on my 7.06 devices.

Thanks again.

The discussion might have continued from here.