OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Set fixed physical rate and retransmission limit at Linksys WRT54GL

The content of this topic has been archived on 29 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

Dear All,

I run OpenWrt (whiterussian) on my WRT54GL v1.1. For some experiments I want to set the physical rate to a fixed value, e.g., always use 54 Mbps and do switch to lower rates. How can I do that?

Additionally, I want to experiment a little bit with the number or retransmissions that are performed at the link layer. Normally, this can be set by
iwconfig device retry N

However, this doesn't seem to work.

Best Regards,

check 'wl0_rate' in the documentation;
Set it in nvram and do a 'wifi' command to have the setting conveyed to the radio driver.
This thread b.t.w. is for kamikaze where it is done differently.

Alternatively you may load the proprietary wl package and do a 'wl rate n' command

The discussion might have continued from here.