OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Kamikaze ImageBuilder

The content of this topic has been archived on 3 May 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.


I've already used the WhiteRussian ImageBuilder. However the Kamikaze IB looks different. I've searched the forum for information, but I've found only bits. Also the howto in the wiki refers to the WR version.

Could you provide me with information about how to build a custom image? Eventually I could assemble a an article explaining the whole procedure for the wiki.


In the KK's IB topdir run 'make help'. To build a new image 'make clean image'.

forum2006 wrote:

In the KK's IB topdir run 'make help'. To build a new image 'make clean image'.

thanks, I've managed to build a custom image with my packages.

How can I remove packages from the profile?

hamvil wrote:
forum2006 wrote:

In the KK's IB topdir run 'make help'. To build a new image 'make clean image'.

thanks, I've managed to build a custom image with my packages.

How can I remove packages from the profile?

Sorry I was mistaken, I've modified the file:


Then I've done

make image PROFILE="WGT634U"

everything went fine but the changes made into the were not reflected into the image.

What am I doing wrong?


hamvil wrote:

make image PROFILE="WGT634U"

everything went fine but the changes made into the were not reflected into the image.

What am I doing wrong?

You are doing nothing wrong. This is simply not working yet. For this problem there is already another thread in the forum and a ticket. It seems noone is using the IB because it's not getting fixed.


Buildroot works pretty well, so I'm using it even if the image process creation is slower.

Right. I'm also prefering the buildsystem. I don't need the IB or SDK. And creating/using the buildsystem is really very easy.

(Last edited by forum2006 on 12 Jul 2007, 09:37)

Also, with the old (wr) image builder you could make a dir called 'files' and put your own
files in it

how is this done with the kamikaze imagebuilder ??
also a dir files in the root of the IB ??

Cheers Collen


make image FILES="/some/directory"

Btw. 'make info' is useful and explains the basic usage of the IB.

(Last edited by forum2006 on 6 Dec 2007, 13:52)

I've been using Whiterussian Imagebuilder for a long time. This is the first time I've tested Kamikaze Imagebuilder, I've downloaded it, unpacked it, and I haven't been able to build the simplest one:

$ make image V=99
Building images for Broadcom BCM947xx/953xx [2.4] - Generic, Broadcom WiFi (default)
Packages: base-files-brcm-2.4 bridge busybox dnsmasq dropbear iptables kernel kmod-brcm-wl kmod-diag kmod-ipt-nathelper kmod-switch kmod-wlcompat libgcc mtd nas nvram ppp ppp-mod-pppoe uclibc wlc

make[1]: Entering directory `/home/acid/OpenWrt-ImageBuilder-brcm-2.4-for-Linux-x86_64'

Building package index...
(cd /home/acid/OpenWrt-ImageBuilder-brcm-2.4-for-Linux-x86_64/packages; /home/acid/OpenWrt-ImageBuilder-brcm-2.4-for-Linux-x86_64/scripts/ . > Packages) >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
make[1]: *** [package_index] Error 126
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/acid/OpenWrt-ImageBuilder-brcm-2.4-for-Linux-x86_64'
make: *** [image] Error 2

Help, please.


Hi acidbits, i had the same prob here.

solution: download … 09.tar.bz2
compile, look at the brcm-2.4 dir, there is a dir for imagebuilder.

use that IB, and your compile error isn't there.

the standard IB on the download list is broke ...

Cheers, Collen

(Last edited by collen on 7 Dec 2007, 09:04)

The discussion might have continued from here.