I just saw on sveasoft forums http://www.sveasoft.com/modules/phpBB2/ … php?t=2203 link to hacked wl driver
http://gattaca.ru/~nikki/wrt54g/long_range_test/wl.o that has set longer ACK timeout. This should be dooable in openwrt envirement too ? anyone have some long range links that can do tests ? I have plans but still no infrastructure to implement it ..
Topic: Long Range
The content of this topic has been archived on 29 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.
is anybody works with ACK timeouts in the wireless driver ?
how to manipulate with it in OpenWRT ?
Please don't post URLs to the Sveasoft forum, they don't work if you're not subscribed and payed $20 for such a shit.
Another thing: this hacked driver never worked properly and it didn't help with the long range issue at all.
Get router with MiniPCI and some proper wifi cards.
Another thing: this hacked driver never worked properly and it didn't help with the long range issue at all.
Get router with MiniPCI and some proper wifi cards.
which cards are proper? which router do you recommend?
You could buy an Asus WL-500g and replace the Broadcom stuff with an Atheros card.
... proper card ....
but question was:
how to manipulate with ACK timout in OpenWrt (broadcom) wireless driver ....
(Last edited by dimats on 11 Dec 2005, 15:34)
... proper card ....
but question was:
how to manipulate with ACK timout in OpenWrt (broarcom) wireless driver ....
Thank you for this enlightening information
You could buy an Asus WL-500g and replace the Broadcom stuff with an Atheros card.
which card is the best atheros card?
I have no idea
The discussion might have continued from here.