OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Kamikaze on Fonera

The content of this topic has been archived on 2 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.


After having spent much much time in installing/testing and configuring various versions of Kamikaze on Fonera hardware, I finally decided to post some issues. Maybe somebody here can let me and many others know, when these problems and troubles are to be fixed. I'll just summarize:

- WDS and bridged client mode
Am I the only one who noticed, that it is not possible to run WDS nor client (transparent) bridging on a fonera? Once you add your wifi-interface to the bridge, it loses its connection to the distant AP.

- Just today, I experienced a problem when adding multiple SSIDs (as APs) as well as a client (sta) to the wireless config. However, no bridging between those interfaces. The result is a infinite crashing/rebooting fonera...

- Is anybody aware when all Atheros specific features will be made available on kamikaze/fonera? So far, only burst mode and XR seem to be supported. Trying to enable anything else (turbo/compression/...) doesn't work

Thats basically the tip of my iceberg :-) A couple more or less nasty issues not to mention. I'd be really glad, if someone could at least confirm my experiences.

Thank you in advance!

i'm using wds as a client on atheros (works fine), I don't use it with an ap interface, but I have in the past, with the interesting problem that openwrt or madwifi liked to change the radio channel while it was setting up (which would result in the device not associating), changing the channel back made it work but I didn't need the ap interface, only an ethernet connection from the client, so I didn't bother.

I did not have any problems related to software bridging, are you sure your using wds mode on the client, and that the ap supports it or has it enabled? on a madwifi access point that would mean enabling wds on the ap interface.

Yeah, thats something I noticed as well.
Sometimes it just switches to channel 2 - no matter what you specify in your config...


to avoid connect and disconnect problem on bridge, use the wds option in the wireless config file.

in /etc/config/wireless

for wifi0
option wds 1


Can you post your whole wireless config please!
I tried all known modes, including 'option mode wds', with the problems I mentioned above.


Ok, I had some time to play around. Finally, I figured out how to make it work using your suggested 'option wds 1'.
Thanks a lot, you don't want to know how much hours of my live I've spent the past weeks with this issue...
I'd still like to see your configuration - maybe there's yet space for improvements on my side :-)

Thanks a lot.

The discussion might have continued from here.