OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Backing up WRT54GL with 2.6 kernel

The content of this topic has been archived on 27 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.


How can I backup WRT54GL with 2.6 kernel to flash other WRT54GL?

Should I use /dev/mtdblock1 ? Is it necessary to remount any file system in read only mode (like this:



Just curious,

Why are you using 2.6 with a WRT54GL?

Does it not work the same way as WR?

dd if=/dev/mtdblock/1 of=/tmp/backup.trx to backup
mtd -r write backup.trx linux to write

I just wanted to have 2.6 kernel. I use this boxes as OpenVPN clients and don't need wifi.

There is no /dev/mtdblok/1 device file:

# ls -1 /dev/mtd*

Is /dev/mtdblock1 the same as /dev/mtdblock/1 ?


The discussion might have continued from here.