OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: upnp client

The content of this topic has been archived on 5 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.


My openwrt box is configured as a routed client that connects to a upnp access point.  I'm looking for a solution to open/close ports on the upnp access point from behind the openwrt router.

Here's a quick diagram:

windows xp -> openwrt routed client -> upnp access point -> internet

I've tried two solutions (unsuccessfully):
1) Setup multicast routing on the openwrt box.  This would allow Windows Xp can see the upnp broadcasts from the access point.  I have little experience with this, but based on some quick tests with igmpproxy, it appears that the default openwrt image is not compiled with multicast routing support.

2) Run a upnp client program on the openwrt box.  The source code for miniupnp appears to contain both a server and client executable (miniupnpd and miniupnpc respectively).  However, the openwrt ipkg only contains the server daemon, so I'm looking for the client program.

If anyone has any guidance, that would be helpful.  Assume that I am unable to connect the XP machine directly to the upnp access point.


Similar problem here.
Anyone can provide miniupnpc aswell?

That would be a big help.


does your " openwrt" router do NAT or only route ip between the 2 subnetworks ?
In anycase, Windows XP upnp client has issues with this kind of setup : it refuses to take into account any IGD device which is not the default gateway sad

languagegame wrote:

If anyone has any guidance, that would be helpful.  Assume that I am unable to connect the XP machine directly to the upnp access point.

Recent versions of miniupnpc are able to use a UPnP IGD that is not on the same network if the root description URL is known.

The discussion might have continued from here.