OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: iPhone to Meraki .... come in please

The content of this topic has been archived on 23 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.   <----- diagram of concept

What I am trying to right now is understand if it is possible to make a Meraki mini
( ) act in the following way :   
( I don't know the proper nomenclature, and I apologize for that
   ... part of what I am trying to learn)

I want the Meraki to appear as a fixed IP address webserver to a device accessing it via wireless 802.11b/g.
Let's say I have an iPhone.  I instruct the iPhone to log onto a wireless network ( provided by the Meraki )
with an SSID of "meraki".  The security is WEP or WAP or ????.  ( I don't care about the security aspect at present.  That will come later. )

The iPhone connects wirelessly to the network.  Now the iPhone is instructed to access either a local IP or Global IP .

The IP addresses the Meraki.
The Linux running on the Meraki directs this request to a Webserver running on the Meraki which offers up HTML created by a Ruby script or by a PERL script.  The Webserver accesses the outside world using a LLSP ( low level serial port ) to a PSOC processor.  The PSOC allows the webserver to control external devices and gather data.  ( For example: in a car you could access car status, start the car, unlock the door, etc. )  I am comfortable with the PSOC part of the project.   ( )

The end result is that a user would see a webpage on the iPhone which would allow him/her/it to see status of the car and control aspects of the car.  Same with hottubs, home environment, office building, etc.

I don't what kinds of Linux wireless extensions or configurations to look for to do this, if it can be done at all.  How should I proceed?

Thanks in advance and in arrears

(Last edited by wirelessPuppet on 31 Jul 2007, 04:29)

How did you get the website

The discussion might have continued from here.