Suppose you have set a root password, and for whatever reason you wish to continue to use telnet to access the unit rather than being forced to use ssh. Here's how to do it.
(1) Download the source from subversion (tested here with Kamikaze 7.07). 'make menuconfig' and enable the 'login' component of busybox, by selecting Base System -> Busybox Configuration -> Login/Password Management Utilities -> login
Use 'make' to build the firmware image, and then flash it onto your unit. (Or you could just upload the busybox package, but that would waste flash space)
(2) Modify /etc/init.d/telnet so that it always starts telnetd. It should look like this:
#!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common
# Copyright (C) 2006
start() {
telnetd -l /bin/login
stop() {
killall telnetd
(3) Replace /bin/login with a symlink to busybox
cd /bin
rm login
ln -s busybox login
That's it. Note, there is a security problem: you won't be prompted for a password if you give an invalid username, so it's very easy for an attacker to probe for valid usernames. But any attacker probably knows that your main login username is 'root'; and if you care about security, you'll probably want to stick with ssh anyway.