OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Parts for JTAG-adapter

The content of this topic has been archived on 23 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.


I would like to build a JTAG-adapter for my WRT54G V2.

For this I need a connector for the PCB (a 2x6 pins). I only found connectors with 2x5 and 2x7 pins.

I looked at and with no luck.

Where could I find such a connector in Germany?
And, whats the grid dimension of the pins (2.0 mm or 2.54 mm) on the PCB?

Thanks for help.


Hi, for me (in France) it is called HE10 or HE14 and it is really cheap and easy to find.

My solution is to buy a 2x7 header and cut off the un-needed pins.  For the connector, put tape across the holes you don't want to connect...

Thanks for the answers.

While searching again I found
Maybe I'll buy the JTAG-Adapter and the serial mod from their site.

This is a lot easier.



I would like to build a JTAG-adapter for my WRT54G V2.

For this I need a connector for the PCB (a 2x6 pins). I only found connectors with 2x5 and 2x7 pins.

I looked at and with no luck.

Where could I find such a connector in Germany?
And, whats the grid dimension of the pins (2.0 mm or 2.54 mm) on the PCB?

Thanks for help.


Any store that sells components has those as the are extremely common. I got mine in a local store in Amsterdam for 50c or so.

What are you going to do with JTAG? Or is this just for the serial port?


If anyone finds those 2x6 header and IDC connector please post part # and store so we can get them. I have looked around and 2x6 is NOT sold in any of the obvious places in the US? Whatta sad

I have the IDC and header in Eagle PCB parts libraries so I know the physical part does exist (haha plus it's in front of my eyes on that WRT PCB)  but just where does one buy some of those?


take a 2x7 and cut one of the rows off smile

Kevin wrote:

take a 2x7 and cut one of the rows off smile

Thanks but I found some connectors at $0.60 each yay! … tId=203810 … tId=378011

Ahh also I forgot, 2x7 will NOT work as the spacing of those 2x6 is 2mm and the spacing of 2x7 is .1" which is the regular IDC flat ribbon cable spacing so I think 2x6 is so hard to find because it would NOT fit the regular flat cable. Also note that the connector is  NOT IDC since no flat cable exists to crimp it onto. I think that explains why everyone says those are all over (since no one from those who give advise had actualy done it) the place but that is not the case.

The Xilinx cable does NOT use IDC connector either:

(Last edited by ds18s20 on 2 Jan 2007, 07:54)

The discussion might have continued from here.