OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: WPA wont work, open does.

The content of this topic has been archived on 7 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

WRT 54GS, using kamikazi 7.07...

laptop is using server2003, SP2, but that shouldn't matter

The same router using a really old sveasoft firmware from 1-2 years ago worked fine with WPA-PSK..

Here are the config files..

I have 2 other accesspoints here with WPA on them that the laptop connects to, as well as the one at uni, also PSK.

If I make it open (option encryption    'none') then it works fine, but obviously thats not a viable option.

What I get with WPA is that the laptop associates, and then sits on acquiring network address, with no progress on that.

The key isn't xxx, its just removed since I don't want the world to know it wink

I am not using the dhcp in the accesspoint, I have put the ignore line into the dhcp config file so it doesnt hand out IPs, I have an existing dhcp server on the network.


config wifi-device  wl0
    option type     broadcom
    option channel  1
    option disabled    '0'

config "wifi-iface" ""
    option device    'wl0'
    option mode    'ap'
    option ssid    'OpenWrt3'
    option hidden    '0'
    option encryption    'psk'
    option network    'lan'
    option key    'xxx'


#### VLAN configuration 
config switch eth0
    option vlan0    "1 2 3 4 5*"
    option vlan1    '0 5*'

#### Loopback configuration
config interface loopback
    option ifname    "lo"
    option proto    static
    option ipaddr
    option netmask

#### LAN configuration
config interface lan
    option type     bridge
    option ifname    "eth0.0"
    option proto    static
    option ipaddr
    option netmask
    option gateway
    option dns

#### WAN configuration
config interface    wan
    option ifname    "eth0.1"
    option proto    'none'

here is the package listing

Action    Package    Version    Description
Uninstall    base-files-brcm-2.4    9-8182    
Uninstall    bridge    1.0.6-1    
Uninstall    busybox    1.4.2-2    
Uninstall    dnsmasq    2.38-1    
Uninstall    dropbear    0.49-2    
Uninstall    haserl    0.8.0-1    
Uninstall    hostapd-mini    0.5.7-1    
Uninstall    iptables    1.3.7-1    
Uninstall    kernel    2.4.34-brcm-1    
Uninstall    kmod-brcm-wl    2.4.34+    
Uninstall    kmod-diag    1+2.4.34-brcm-1    
Uninstall    kmod-ipt-nathelper    2.4.34-brcm-1    
Uninstall    kmod-ppp    2.4.34-brcm-1    
Uninstall    kmod-pppoe    2.4.34-brcm-1    
Uninstall    kmod-switch    2.4.34-brcm-1    
Uninstall    kmod-wlcompat    2.4.34+brcm-5    
Uninstall    libgcc    3.4.6-9    
Uninstall    libncurses    5.6-1    
Uninstall    libopenssl    0.9.8e-1    
Uninstall    libpcap    0.9.4-1    
Uninstall    mtd    5    
Uninstall    mtr    0.69-1    
Uninstall    nas    
Uninstall    nvram    1    
Uninstall    ppp    2.4.3-7    
Uninstall    ppp-mod-pppoe    2.4.3-7    
Uninstall    uclibc    0.9.28-9    
Uninstall    webif    0.3-6    
Uninstall    wireless-tools    29-1    
Uninstall    wlc    
Uninstall    wpa-cli    0.5.7-1    
Uninstall    wpa-supplicant    0.5.7-1    
Uninstall    zlib    1.2.3-3

I added the WPA ones thinking that they may help, alas, they didn't

I am at a loss as to whats not working here

Hi, did you solve your problem? I also have same problem with WPA/WPA2.

No, problem is still happening. I tried WEP and that works as well, using an entered 40 bit key (didn't bother trying 128 bit)

Weird thing is, windows thinks its connected, and just sits on trying to get an IP address.

The discussion might have continued from here.