I'm about to implement a long-range network using high-gain antennas, and I need to clear out some stuff about the abilities of the radio in the WRT54G. According to most people it's possible to adjust the transmit power by using 'wl txpwr', and I feel quite comfortable that this is actually possible (by examining rssi-values and signal strength from tools like netstumbler).
But, what I'm not feeling sure about is how adjustable this transmit power actually is. Can you set it as low as for example 1 dBm (1.3 mW)? Can anyone scientifically prove that this is an actual change? Someone on the IRC-channel said that it should at least be possible to set it 10 dBm below the default (15 dBm). And, what tool should be trusted when viewing the current transmit power on the WRT? 'iwconfig' always show the same value, no matter what you set 'wl txpwr' to. 'wl curpower' adjusts the dBm according to what you set it to. But, all this is kinda confusing, and I don't feel very confident about it.
Anyone else got any more input on this?