OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Simultaneous dual-band (2.4 + 5 ghz) capable wireless adapter?

The content of this topic has been archived on 5 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.


I'm thinking of replacing the minipci wireless adapter in my asus wl500gp, and looking for a card which supports simultaneus dualband (a/b or if possible a/b/g).
Does such a card even exist? (googling revealed at least such chipsets do exist, but no products to buy...)
Would OpenWRT support this?

Thanks in advance for any tips.

P.S: I previously tried getting a gigbyte GN-WI01HT, but after the availability from the online store got postponed several times, it now is "undetermined", and no other place seems to have one (in germany/europe). Anyone having the same problem? Or knows what's up with the cards/gigabyte (no other cards seem to be available except the b/g card)?

(Last edited by KanjiMonster on 15 Aug 2007, 15:24)

I'm not aware of any dual radio mini pci cards out there.  Certainly would be useful if they existed. 

I don't think two radio chips and their support components would fit on a standard size mpci card.   It would probably force it to be oversized.

Definitely post back hear if you find something.

The discussion might have continued from here.