Hello "atari",
I asked a similar question a month or two ago. I wrote:
"My question is: If OpenWRT is loaded on a WL-500 (G or W) series Router, can it be configured to use the USB720 EVDO Modem, rather than the WAN port as the uplink to the Internet?"
I got this answer from "mbm":
"Can be done (I've tried it myself in the past). It just isn't covered in the documentation.
Here's what I remember of it -
The airprime module needs to be installed (and was subsequently packaged for openwrt use) and pppd and chat need to be installed. It can all be configured via the /etc/config/network config file, set the proto to ppp and use the device name (/dev/ttyUSB0 if I remember right) as the ifname. Chat scripts are used to handle the connect/disconnect which just perform AT commands."
The router I'll be working with is the WL-500G, but the setup is for a friend with EVDO service that lives 2-1/2 hours away. So, I don't have the EVDO Modem here --- I'll have to try using the USB output from my cable modem into the router, to see if I can configure a USB port as the uplink to the Internet. If/When I get it working, I'll post the procedure that I used.
Take Care,
David Baldock
EDIT: The router I've got is a WL-500G Premium.
(Last edited by dbaldock on 21 Aug 2007, 15:48)