OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Using OpenWRT with a USB PocketPC modem?... USB WAN? Possible?

The content of this topic has been archived on 30 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

Does OpenWRT support using USB port (say, on ASUS WL-500g premium) as a WAN port?

Users with PPC-6700 / PPC-6800 PocketPC phones would like to be able to use their phones through a hardware firewall.

Is this possible?

Has anyone here done it?

keywords:  ppc-6700 ppc-6800 HTC mogul titan apache PAM cellular wireless firewall router

Do you want to use the PPC to serve as a connection to the internet (like a 3G device)? Then it would act as a WAN port.
Or do you want the router to supply the internet connection to the PPC?
Your statement is not clear enough...
Connecting my old iPAQ H3800 series running linux via USB to my openwrt router works fine, see:

I don't know, if the USB port on a PPC running Windows Mobile will behave different...

Yes, I would like the phone to be the modem.

The first sentence states I would like to use the USB port on the hardware as a WAN port.

(Last edited by atari on 21 Aug 2007, 14:10)

Hello "atari",

I asked a similar question a month or two ago.  I wrote:
"My question is:  If OpenWRT is loaded on a WL-500 (G or W) series Router, can it be configured to use the USB720 EVDO Modem, rather than the WAN port as the uplink to the Internet?"

I got this answer from "mbm":
"Can be done (I've tried it myself in the past). It just isn't covered in the documentation.

Here's what I remember of it -
The airprime module needs to be installed (and was subsequently packaged for openwrt use) and pppd and chat need to be installed. It can all be configured via the /etc/config/network config file, set the proto to ppp and use the device name (/dev/ttyUSB0 if I remember right) as the ifname. Chat scripts are used to handle the connect/disconnect which just perform AT commands."

The router I'll be working with is the WL-500G, but the setup is for a friend with EVDO service that lives 2-1/2 hours away.  So, I don't have the EVDO Modem here --- I'll have to try using the USB output from my cable modem into the router, to see if I can configure a USB port as the uplink to the Internet.  If/When I get it working, I'll post the procedure that I used.

Take Care,
David Baldock

EDIT: The router I've got is a WL-500G Premium.

(Last edited by dbaldock on 21 Aug 2007, 15:48)

The discussion might have continued from here.