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Topic: someone please help me remove openwrt from my linksys wrt54gl.

The content of this topic has been archived on 28 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

okay, i know nothing about linux, so i was a retard and installed this on accident, thinking there was a web ui that i could just reflash to something else if i didnt like it. boy was i wrong and now im completely fucked. ive tried uninstalling this about 20x using these instructions. … %28tftp%29

none of it is working, can somebody please tell me the easiest way to get this off of my router, no offense im sure it runs great. as long as you know wtf your doing, in which i dont.
please help, im afraid of trying anything drastic and bricking my router. remember, not a linux user. and the instructions ive posted have NOT worked for me at all.

I've had good luck using this method with the tftp that is built into windows:

If you still have trouble, please explain exactly at what point you are having trouble... and whats happening

Have you ever even telneted to ssh'ed into your box before?  If not, then following those directions might be a little bit of a problem.

i know how to telnet into the router, thats not that hard. im really unexperienced with the linux command line though.
what im trying to do is the tftp method by entering in
tftp -i PUT firmware.bin
okay that would work if i knew where the firmware was supposed to be so that this would work. is there anywhere specific in my windows filesystem that its supposed to go??? right now its just sitting on my c:\ root directory, does it need to be in c:\documents and settings\username?

It doesn't have to be in any particular directory.  Just cd to the directory where the code.bin exists and issue the TFTP command from there.  Make sure you have the ping running in one window as outlined in the instructions, power cycle the router and hit enter on the window with the TFTP command as soon as you get a response to the ping.  You only have a second or two to start the TFTP command and you might have to try several times before being successful.

(Last edited by regloss on 22 Aug 2007, 03:21)

OK, I'm not sure how detiled I should be so just incase I'm being pretty detailed here.

Go to the and download the latest factory firmware for your unit.

If you have any sort of firewall software on your PC, the ping or the tftp command may not work.  I've had to temporarily turn of firewall and internet security software before doing this.

Telnet or SSH in to the router and type:
"nvram set boot_wait=on"

and then type:
"nvram commit"

Then you shouldn't ever have to log in to the router anymore. The rest of this procedure is done on your PC.

Change the IP address on your PC to a Staic ip of with a gateway of

Then open two command prompt windows.  In one window type "ping -w 5 -t".   You should see continuous replies.

Then in the second command prompt window:
If you saved the new linksys firmware on your desktop then you would do a "cd desktop" before running this command:
"tftp -i PUT linksysfilename.bin" (linksysfilename.bin actually being whatever file that you just downloaded from but dont press enter yet.
Unplug the router and plug it back in.  You should see the replies stop from the ping window.
The split second that you start seeing replies again you hit the enter key on the tftp command to launch it.

If it worked, you should see a Transfer successful messege.
If you dont get a sucessful messege, then reboot the router again and try hitting the tftp command right when the pings start replying.  It ussually works on the first or second try for me.

The discussion might have continued from here.