
sorry if I ask a stupid question, but I seem stuck, and could not find the anwser by searching the forum.

Because of an error in squid, that TRAC (https://dev.openwrt.org/ticket/1839) claims as known and now solved, but post 7.07, I wanted to rebuild using the SVN rather than install stock 7.07.

I followed the documentation (http://downloads.openwrt.org/kamikaze/d … 280002.1.1) but I get stuck where it tells me to 'make menuconfig'.  That is, I know what this does and how it works, I did build my own kernel before, but I would simply like to use the exact same .config as normally used for the WRT54GS. And apart from that, I would also like to tell it to only build that one target, I have no need for building the other platforms.

So, question is, where do I find the .config of the stock images as they are distributed? Any help is appreciated.

Oh, BTW: I also found an error in the build documentation (http://downloads.openwrt.org/kamikaze/d … 280002.1.1) : I am pretty sure the symlinks to the packages cannot work as instructed:

$ ln -s packages/*/* kamikaze/package/

should be

$ cd kamikaze/package/
$ ln -s ../../packages/*/* .
