OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Strange WLAN problem with WL-500gP (WPA2-PSK)

The content of this topic has been archived on 19 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

Several days ago I decided to use WLAN instead of LAN to connect my PC to my Asus WL-500gP (Kamikaze 7.07)

At first everything seemed to work fine (I set the WLAN to use WPA2-PSK encryption).
But everytime I do not use the WLAN for several hours (turning off the PC over night and back on the next morning) connecting to my WLAN fails. So I have to plug in the LAN cable, pull up the WLAN configuration page, restart the WLAN and after that, everything is fine again.

As you can imagine, this procedure isn't a solution I can live with.
Any idea what can cause this behaviour?

Thanks in advance.

(Last edited by massaquah on 22 Aug 2007, 13:49)

Hi, i have the exact same problem. Any feedback is highly appreciated!

The only solution i can see at the moment is to switch back to white russian.

The discussion might have continued from here.