OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Hot spot all in one box

The content of this topic has been archived on 13 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

Hi there, thanks for reading this

I am currently working on creating the model described above witch will work without any external auth. server. Is it theoretically possible with a limited memory in WRT54G box ? Can someone answer that question at least negative so I will stop trying. Radius is not a problem. So far the biggest problem is running cgi scripts inside the router. I have installed microperl package and was truying to run hotspotlogin.cgi without any success. Any ideas why? The same setup on external RH9 box works flawlessy. Does anyone has an experience of creating free hotspots with  authentication inside the box at least with "disclamer page" and button "I agree" .  I think this question will be interested for many people trying to create free simple networks in their local areas. Please share your ideas and/or set-ups, scripts.

Thank you for your help,


Did you try the chillisoft ipkgs? I've never set it up directly onto a wrt but i have used it before.. I imagine it works fine, and you could use the thttpd-php ipkg and use a php4 login page for it if you so desired.

Firstly, check out:

The basic requirements are:

-Radius Server
-MySQL - type accounting
-Webserver (preferably SSL to clients)
-Some form of WDS to link the nodes up together
-A method of secure authentication and communication between nodes [an IPSec tunnel would be best - see openSwan packages]
-A "welcome" homepage, including Term & Conditions and link to the onboard PayPal page
-A method to clone each node, and easily re-install on each node. For example: … p;start=15

At the minute. That's the bare necessities.

And AFAIK, it *hasn't* been successfully put together - yet. I've been looking at it in a few spare cycles, but would prefer not to try to put it all together until MBM ratify's the new experimental firmware as the "gold standard" - saves wasting time.

Oh, and the 200Mhz 32Mb WRT54GS should easily be able to handle a handfull of clients at the same time - more than enough for a "hotel lobby" scenario.


Thank you for All for your reply. I will try to test it. There is no need for SQL database if only welcome screen will be shown. So basics are:
Chilli (embedded)
Radius (embedded)
Web server (embedded)

Did I forget something ?


Thank you for All for your reply. I will try to test it. There is no need for SQL database if only welcome screen will be shown. So basics are:
Chilli (embedded)
Radius (embedded)
Web server (embedded)

Did I forget something ?

Depends on how much of an "all-in-one" solution you want. If you want a group of WRT54G[S] nodes that will communicate securely with each other over wireless - and one "router-designated" box plugged into the Ethernet network - then see my post above.

Each box would be autonomous in handling it's billing, IP designation, "IP-ticket" allowance, and communicating to it's parent "node(s)".

It would be problematic to set this up with roaming between the nodes, though - I have simply designated that the users would be static.


Thank you for All for your reply. I will try to test it. There is no need for SQL database if only welcome screen will be shown. So basics are:
Chilli (embedded)
Radius (embedded)
Web server (embedded)

Did I forget something ?


I've succesfully got it working in a very basic setup such as yours, but did not want to load it up with the webserver, was running a wrt54g withi Chilli and radius, it was only just keeping a minimal amount of free memory!
If anyone does want to run this smoothly, I must recommend a wrt54gs, the extra memory is definitely needed!

The discussion might have continued from here.