OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: GW2348-2 - eth0: NPE-B not running

The content of this topic has been archived on 29 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

I am getting "NPE-B / NPE-C not running" error message
with my, and pre-built openwrt images, and
the ethernet connections are down. They never come
up even if do ifconfig ethx up. I am using kamikaze 7.07
and i built images using the ucode from Intel page.
Does anyone know if there is a fix available ?


It should load from an mtd partition (redboot) by default but you can make it load them from a separate partition called microcode (look at the gateway 7001 patch)

Just extract the firmware and cat them together and write that file to the partition

would you explain it in more detail ....
I found one thread on this issue, but it
does not say the outcome clearly.


You don't need a separate partition on the Avila boards, but you need to run RedBoot 2.0+

The discussion might have continued from here.