OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Looking for a platform with just a WAN and a LAN port

The content of this topic has been archived on 21 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

I'm interested in suggestions/recommendations for hardware that runs OpenWRT and has a WAN port, and a single LAN port.

The Atmel network gateway board seems one option, are there any others out there?



I looked for something similar for a while before coming to the conclusion that it was better to just buy an Asus WL-500GP and not use what I didn't need. I disabled the wireless in openwrt (I don't even have an antenna attached).  Any of the "router" ports act as a plain "lan" port and I have it connected to my GigE router that way.

It seems to work out cheaper this way.

Hope this helps.

Asus also makes a WL530, I think, a 'travel' router.  Support for it and the WTR54GS, what sounds like the perfect device for you, go from Difficult to Hopeful.  The small size of the travel routers can mean less Rom/RAM, but really it seems to mean less capable switches and less common CPUs, which all boils down to less mainstream and less coverage by the project.

I agree with moh on this one, that the Asus wl500gP is a great device (USB ports and wall-mounts) even if you rip off the antenna and ignore the three extra ports;  shut them down in the config if you want.  I think that you'd be better served lugging the larger devices around, simply because they are closer to the mainstream and so very capable, that their benefits and less hassle in setup may outweigh the added hassle of transport.

Having said that, I'd be ecstatic if I could set in an OpenWRT Killer NIC at three sites.  Yummy; like the RSC/iLO/ALOM card for grey boxes!

The discussion might have continued from here.