OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Build question

The content of this topic has been archived on 7 May 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.


I have svn'ed 7.07 and run make packages/symlink, when I run make menuconfig and then make it takes a long time to build the packages.  My questions

1) Why can't we use -j2 or any -j options
2)  when the make fails for some package that i don't want anyway, once I remove the symlink in packages how do I fix up make so as not to look for this package again without doing a make clean which remove everything ...


hi , i don't unterstand your question but anyway, the utility of "make package/symlinks"  is showing all the packages in the menuconfig.
so if your goal is showing all packages in the menuconfig, you shoud do:
1_ make packages/symlinks (the directory "feeds" will be created under TOPDIR)
2_ ln  -s TOPDIR/feeds/*/*/* TOPDIR/package/* (the link)
after that , when you run "make menuconfig" , all packages of openWrt will be appear in the menu . then you run "make ", all packages will be built without any errors.


The discussion might have continued from here.