OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: WPA / WPA2 in client mode on WRT54GL

The content of this topic has been archived on 7 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

I've been trying to set up my WRT54GL as a routed client using 7.07 (2.4). It works perfectly with the wireless link unsecured, or using wep. However I want to use psk (minimum) or preferably psk2. As soon as I switch from unsecured or wep connection to psk it no longer picks up a dhcp lease from the AP. At each step I've verified that my laptop can connect wirelessly to the AP, so there's no problem there.

Not being sure exactly which packages were necessary and reading through various forum posts and the wiki, I've installed nas, wl, and tried installing wpa-supplicant (but read afterwards that isn't required).

I'm now stuck.

Does anyone have any ideas what I could be missing? If not I guess I'll have to go with wep, which is insecure.

Here's my config:

root@OpenWrt:/etc/config# cat network 
#### VLAN configuration 
config switch eth0
        option vlan0    "0 1 2 3 5*"
        option vlan1    "4 5"

#### Loopback configuration
config interface loopback
        option ifname   "lo"
        option proto    static
        option ipaddr
        option netmask

#### LAN configuration
config interface lan
#       option type     bridge
        option ifname   "eth0.0"
        option proto    static
        option ipaddr   ''
        option netmask

#### WAN configuration
config interface        wan
        option ifname   'wl0'
        option proto    dhcp

root@OpenWrt:/etc/config# cat wireless 
config wifi-device  wl0
        option type     broadcom
        option channel  '11'
        option disabled '0'


config wifi-iface
        option device   wl0
#       option network  'lan'
        option mode     'sta'
        option ssid     'myssid'
        option encryption       wpa2
        option hidden   '0'
        option key      'mykey'

root@OpenWrt:/etc/config# ipkg list_installed
base-files-brcm-2.4 - 9-8363 - 
bridge - 1.0.6-1 - 
busybox - 1.4.2-2 - 
dnsmasq - 2.38-1 - 
dropbear - 0.49-2 - 
haserl - 0.8.0-1 - 
hostapd-mini - 0.5.7-1 - 
iptables - 1.3.7-1 - 
kernel - 2.4.34-brcm-1 - 
kmod-brcm-wl - 2.4.34+ - 
kmod-diag - 1+2.4.34-brcm-1 - 
kmod-ipt-nathelper - 2.4.34-brcm-1 - 
kmod-ppp - 2.4.34-brcm-1 - 
kmod-pppoe - 2.4.34-brcm-1 - 
kmod-switch - 2.4.34-brcm-1 - 
kmod-wlcompat - 2.4.34+brcm-5 - 
libgcc - 3.4.6-9 - 
libopenssl - 0.9.8e-1 - 
mtd - 5 - 
nas - - 
nvram - 1 - 
ppp - 2.4.3-7 - 
ppp-mod-pppoe - 2.4.3-7 - 
uclibc - 0.9.28-9 - 
webif - 0.3-6 - 
wireless-tools - 29-1 - 
wl - - 
wlc - - 
zlib - 1.2.3-3 - 

Thanks for your help smile

Hi, Matthew.  I also had this problem in Kamikaze after digging into it in Whiterussian (where it was never "officailly" fixed).

I am running perfectly in Whiterussian 0.9, now, after finding the root cause: "No WPA in Routed Client mode (WR0.9)"

But this ticket was closed with "Should be fixed in Kamikaze 7.07" but I didn't see it was fixed, you didn't see it fixed.

DID ANYONE SEE IT FIXED?  I've been watching to confirm it is.  All I see is it is not.

So if anyone wants to track it down and, possibly, confirm it isn't evolved from the same bug here's a head start.  I'll stay with Whiterussian 0.9 and my unofficial fix, thank you.  My gut feeling is it's still the same bug with a new cocoon smile

(Last edited by Bill_MI on 14 Sep 2007, 02:53)

The discussion might have continued from here.